Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Bukkake Story

Wehn the terms bukkake is sayed people gets disgust or burs laugh.
These not wander coz bukkake image are one womans and many man cover on the face of sperm.If looks at the internets the goggle image search the bukakke these obseen cames up.

But bukake not pervertes to japan.Im explain clear coz i japan cultured experts.

The temrs of bukkake not means the gangsbangs on the woman but bukkake is verbs mean splash.
So in the japan bukakke mean lot things in ocean sea water and liquid stuffs when splash.

in sadly this terms miscommunecates and untranslated at the internts coz of unknowns intlelects of unenlighted uneducate people.

Dont not worrys the hesitate of qouteing the knowledges im shares in you.

But you knews these trivias now and spreads knowledge liked spreads bukkake!lolz!


Anonymous said...

'ello Liza, tenks for berry infomative trivia, rili nays to be ov aquaintans wid yu! Ol da best!

prince arthur said...

whose heck the liza?

Anonymous said...

thanking lots to your trivia is wonderful. I goes now to beach and watches bukake LOLZ

Sudipta Das said...

No wonder friends I loved to see the movie. Moreover husbands who can rule on their wives is something which I have not personally seen, in other words it is always the wives who dictate terms. This is why I am sexually deprived of the fantasies that I want to do. Lucky husband I must say please give me some tips dear so that I can show my skills too.

Sudipta das
escorts Doncaster